What Have You Done For Me Lately: Expectations Fintechs Should Have of Their PR Agency

Staying top-of-mind and building credibility are paramount for success. Just like Janet Jackson’s iconic song “What Have You Done For Me Lately,” fintechs should have high expectations for their PR agencies. Afterall, it’s a serious investment that should produce results. But what exactly should fintechs expect from their PR partners?

Let’s dive into the key aspects that fintechs should consider when evaluating the performance of their PR agency – and how they can help their PR team succeed.

1. Strategic Media Coverage: Fintechs aim to dominate the media landscape. Fintechs should expect their PR agency to secure strategic media coverage in top-tier publications relevant to their industry and target audience. Whether it’s securing feature articles, interviews, or thought leadership pieces, the PR agency should work proactively to elevate the fintech’s visibility and thought leadership position within the industry.

2. Thought Leadership Opportunities: Fintechs should have opportunities to showcase their expertise and innovation. They should therefore expect their PR agency to identify and capitalize on thought leadership opportunities such as speaking engagements at industry conferences, webinars, and panel discussions. By positioning fintech executives as thought leaders, the PR agency can help establish credibility and attract attention from potential clients, investors, and partners.

3. Crisis Management and Reputation Protection: Fintechs may encounter a crisis or negative publicity that can tarnish their reputation. Fintechs should therefore expect their PR agency to provide proactive crisis management and reputation protection strategies. This includes rapid response protocols, media training for key spokespeople, and strategic communication to mitigate the impact of negative incidents on the fintech’s brand and reputation.

4. Data-Driven Results: Fintechs should expect tangible, data-driven results from their PR agency. Fintechs should require regular reporting and analytics that measure the impact of PR efforts on key performance indicators such as website traffic, brand awareness, lead generation, and investor interest. By tracking and analyzing metrics, fintechs can assess the ROI of their PR investment and make informed decisions about future strategies.

5. Collaborative Partnership: Lastly, like any successful collaboration, the relationship between fintechs and their PR agency should be built on trust, transparency, and collaboration. Fintechs should expect their PR agency to act as an extension of their team, understanding their business goals, values, and target audience. Open communication, brainstorming sessions, and regular check-ins should be the norm, fostering a collaborative partnership that drives mutual success.

By setting clear expectations, fostering a collaborative partnership, and prioritizing strategic media coverage, thought leadership, crisis management, data-driven results, and collaboration, fintechs can ensure that their PR agency is delivering impactful results that elevate their brand and drive business growth. After all, in today’s competitive environment, it’s all about what you’ve done for them lately.